Fast and reliable.

Tesla Solar Roof
Installed By DePinho Roofing

Why Tesla Solar Roof?

Tesla Solar Roof is a premium roofing product as well as an incredible solar product. It’s extremely durable and provides an appealing and sleek aesthetic. Solar Roof works together with other Tesla products, like the Powerwall, to create energy independence, to offset your carbon footprint, and to give your home an amazing, modern style.

If you’re interested in a solar product, either Solar Roof our experts can help determine the right choice for you!

Our Process

How To Buy A Tesla Solar Roof

Contact Us

Provide our team with your solar goals and electric usage history

Preliminary Quote

Engage with our sales engineer and ask all your questions

Site Visit and Verification

Our team will come to your house to verify site conditions and details


Our contract will describe the scope of work and everything you need to know

Our Services

Solar Roof Testimonials

Tesla Solar Roof
Conventional Solar Panels
Battery Systems

Tesla Solar Roof Gallery

Tesla Solar Roof FAQs

Our installation wait times for Tesla Solar Roofs range from 2 to 3 months, depending on the project’s scope. Simpler, smaller projects may start sooner, while larger, more complex ones might require additional time. We recommend reaching out to us promptly to schedule your project and begin the process!

Tesla Solar Roofs have the capacity to power most homes efficiently. At DePinho Roofing, we consider various factors to ensure your solar roof meets your home’s energy requirements. These factors include:

Kilowatt Production
We will ensure your solar roof generates the necessary kilowatts to meet your home’s electricity needs. Larger homes with energy-intensive appliances, such as hot tubs and large HVAC systems, require higher kilowatt production. Conversely, smaller homes with fewer appliances need less kilowatt output.

During the design phase of your Solar Roof, DePhino will conduct a comprehensive energy audit to determine the exact kilowatt production required for your home.

Roof Design
The ability of a roof to capture solar energy varies. Complex roofs may require more photovoltaic tiles compared to simple, flat roofs. Our design experts will assess how many photovoltaic tiles are necessary and whether your roof design is compatible with a Solar Roof.

Energy Independence
Many of our customers aim for maximum independence from the electric grid. Although complete independence isn’t always feasible due to municipal regulations, we will help you maximize your solar capture and energy production.

To store excess electricity generated during the day for use at night or during low solar capture periods, our design experts may recommend integrating a Powerwall home battery into your system.

Enhancing Your Home’s Value with Solar Products

Solar products, including the Tesla Solar Roof, can significantly increase your home’s value by offering several key benefits:

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint
  • Achieving Energy Independence
  • Selling Excess Energy to the Grid (varies by location)
  • Unique Advantages of Tesla Solar Roof

The Tesla Solar Roof provides distinct advantages that set it apart from other solar products:

  • Sleek, Modern Aesthetic
  • Premium, Durable Roofing
  • Compatibility with Powerwall for Enhanced Energy Independence

Investing in a Tesla Solar Roof is a smart choice for your home. It combines cutting-edge solar technology with a high-quality roof.

Going Off-Grid with Powerwall and Tesla Solar Roof

While it is possible to go off-grid with a Powerwall and Tesla Solar Roof, it requires more than just these two products. For a complete off-grid solution, you will need:

Sufficient Kilowatt Production (Solar Capture): Your roof must capture enough sunlight to meet your energy needs. Weddle & Sons will conduct an energy audit to determine your current energy usage. Depending on your roof’s layout, complete off-grid capability may not be feasible, but our technicians will assess this during your free consultation.

Compliance with Local Regulations: Some municipalities and utility companies require connection to the energy grid or limit the kilowatt production of your roof. Our Certified Installers will inform you about the specific energy regulations in your area.

Tax Credits for Tesla Solar Roof

Yes, you can receive a tax credit for your Tesla Solar Roof! The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 offers a 30% tax credit for renewable systems purchased for your home, covering both material and installation costs. This incentive is available until 2032. We ensure you receive the maximum tax credit for your solar project.

Energy Production Capabilities of Tesla Solar Roof

The Tesla Solar Roof can generate varying amounts of energy, suitable for both small homes and large businesses. Our installations range from 4KW to 51KW, but these are not the limits—just examples of our customers’ needs.

The energy your Solar Roof can produce depends on the photovoltaic (PV) tiles used. Each PV tile generates 72W of energy, while non-PV tempered glass tiles do not produce energy. Our experts will calculate the number of PV tiles required to meet your energy needs.

Local regulations might limit the kilowatts your roof can produce, affecting your ability to go completely off-grid. We will inform you about these regulations and how they impact your energy production.

Comprehensive Pricing for Tesla Solar Roof

Our price quotes include both materials and installation costs, ensuring no hidden fees or surprise expenses. Additionally, the 30% tax credit applies to the total cost, covering both materials and installation.

Once we begin the installation, you can expect the project to take about a week on average. This is a general estimate, as various factors can influence the timeframe. When we provide you with a project quote, we’ll also offer a more precise estimate. Key factors that can affect installation times include:

  • Roof Size: Larger roofs require more time.
  • Roof Design: Steep or complex roof designs take longer to install.
  • Permits: The number of required permits can extend the overall installation time.
  • Weather: Severe weather conditions, such as ice, snow, or thunderstorms, can cause delays.
  • Utility Connections: After installation, the local utility may need to take action to formally connect your Solar Roof to the grid, which can vary by location. We’ll provide an estimate of this timeframe as well.

Solar Roof vs. Traditional Solar Panels

Traditional Solar Panels:

  • Installed on top of your existing roof.
  • Comparable kilowatt production to Solar Roof.
  • Sometimes a better option for certain roof designs that are not suitable for PV tiles.
  • Reduce carbon footprint and contribute to energy independence.

Solar Roof:

  • Replaces traditional shingles with PV tiles and non-functional tempered glass tiles.
  • Extremely durable and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Designed to integrate easily with products like Tesla’s Powerwall, a battery that stores excess electricity.

Our solar product experts will assist you in determining the best solar solution for your home and energy needs.

Solar energy systems are rated based on kilowatts (kW) of DC power, and a Solar Roof system can be designed to almost any capacity. Typically, we see systems ranging from 8-15 kW, though we have plans for projects up to 50 kW. The actual annual production in kilowatt hours (kWh) of AC power depends on several factors evaluated during the design process, including roof slope and orientation, expected sunlight hours, and shading. Based on our early design experience, most homes in our target markets that are well-suited for a Solar Roof can produce enough electricity to cover 80% or more of their annual consumption.

Depending on the homeowner’s electrical needs, we estimate that 30-70% of the total roof surface could be covered by solar tiles. These PV tiles are all full-size roof pieces, measuring 15” x 45”, and can generally be installed wherever there is room for a complete tile. Areas near rake edges, valleys, hips, and obstructions typically require partial tiles and metal flashings. During the planning process, we collaborate with Tesla designers to optimize tile placement for maximum sunlight exposure, prioritizing south-facing areas, as well as east and west orientations.

Yes! The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 introduced a 30% tax credit for renewable energy systems purchased for your home. This tax incentive, valid until 2032, covers both material and installation costs for your Solar Roof. We ensure you receive the best tax credit available for your solar project.

Additionally, some states and utilities offer other credits, and we can typically inform you about any extra incentives available in your area.

Pricing is still evolving, but generally, a new Solar Roof is expected to cost between $4,000 and $5,000 per square (10ft x 10ft area) before incentives. The final cost depends on the size of the photovoltaic (PV) system chosen (the number of active PV tiles versus glass tiles) and the complexity of the roof design, including the number of obstructions like skylights, chimneys, and pipes. We are optimistic that, with increased expertise and more efficient installation methods, this price will decrease over time. You can use our online configuration tool to estimate the cost of your project.

A single Powerwall battery storage system installation typically costs between $11,000 and $13,000, depending on whether additional electrical upgrades are needed. Additional Powerwall units can be added for around $9,000 each to increase storage and backup capacity.

Yes! We are pleased to offer a financing program through Sunlight Financial, designed exclusively for Tesla Solar Roof and Powerwall. This program provides 10- or 20-year fixed-rate loans with no prepayment penalty and includes a one-time optional re-amortization. This feature allows homeowners to apply tax refunds from the Investment Tax Credit to reduce their monthly payments for the remainder of the loan. Additionally, given the current interest rate and property value environment, refinancing has become an attractive option for some of our clients.

The Tesla Solar Roof system is designed for almost any common sloped roof design available today. It offers the best value and most competitive installation pricing for roofs with a few large, rectangular slopes and good south-facing exposure. However, roofs with numerous hips, valleys, dormers, or small slopes tend to be more labor-intensive, resulting in higher installation costs.

No need to worry! Solar Roof is designed for easy repairs in almost any situation. Working with a local company like Weddle and Sons has its advantages—we have a responsive service department in all our markets and a stock of spare parts on hand. Our specialized hand tools allow us to effortlessly remove individual tiles to service cabling or components underneath or to replace tiles as needed.